Dani Weber: What I’ve learned from creating space to talk about sex
"Challenging the silence and mystery around sex has enabled me to peel back layers of guilt and repression, and learn more about what is possible for myself and others."
"Challenging the silence and mystery around sex has enabled me to peel back layers of guilt and repression, and learn more about what is possible for myself and others."
Put your podcast plan into action by demystifying the process and costs of starting a podcast.
We spoke to Luke Sinclair, one of the coordinators of Sticky Institute, about his advice to newcomers to the Australian zine scene and their EWF 2017 exhibition, 10,000 Staples.
"As a teenager I was shy trying not to be shy, but in this bizarrely proactive way."
In the lead up to EWF 2017, Honor chats with us about her top tips for cracking into podcasting, giving us a glimpse into what she’ll be sharing at her workshop Writers’ Night School: Podcasting.
The 2017 Emerging Writers’ Festival is full of opportunities to perform your work to a live audience. We round up a list of the open mic events at EWF 2017.
"I think about physicality, how the reader’s body feels, how their surrounds smell and look, what happened just before this scene and the residue left within them."
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